Modern Post Manor & Savona

"Don't be discouraged. It's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock."

Beautiful inside and out, Savona is an advocate for the unseen and unheard. Coming to Canada from Guyana with her family, she faced many challenges as a new immigrant. She attributes her strength and determination to her mother who taught her the meaning of perseverance.

A nurse by profession, Savona sees not only the overwhelming need of so many, but also the shortfall of the system. Her passion lies in caring for those who are home bound as well as those in palliative care. Her heart goes out to the families of those patients who also need support.

A pivotal moment for Savona was when a young patient ended her life. It brought to light the limitations in our system that is not equipped to manage this crisis. Although “Durham Manor” will provide spa related services, Savona will extend offerings to focus more or wellness and mental health. She wants to welcome the community in to the Manor, and provide a haven for those who are troubled and need assistance. Her network of experts will also be able to provide the right resources to connect people with the help they need. She wants her facility to be meaningful and encouraging for people to find hope.

Without hope, there is nothing!

As a single mother, she is very proud of raising a strong daughter who is pursuing her goals in the legal profession, Savona is extremely motivated and realizes that since life is so short, there is only a small window of time to do what is necessary. When she looks back at the adversity she has faced, she believes that without faith in God she would not be where she is today. “Faith will keep you going and you have to start your day with gratitude,” is her mantra.

The Manor, which was built in 1841 by Jordan Post and his wife Matilda, is a historic and gracious home that represents a beacon of serenity. The Posts did not build it for themselves alone, but intended to make the house a lively and warm place for their family. What better intention to set than to welcome in its guests to fulfill future dreams.

Immerse yourself in the hospitality and tenderness of Durham Manor. Let our halls and our gardens wrap you in a loving embrace so that when you leave you feel inspired and shining with hope.

Stay Well!